Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Tide Boost

FREE Tide Boost Duo Pack
at Target!

Yay! There's a temporary price cut on Tide Boost Duo Pack at Target stores this week.  Please note that prices may vary from region to region.  Tide Boost is on sale for $2.99 but with the magic of coupons, yours may be completely FREE!

Here's how to rock this deal:

-Buy (1) Tide Boost Duo Pack for $2.99
-Use (1) $1/1 Tide Boost TARGET coupon in the 5/12 RedPlum insert
-Use (1) $2/1 Tide Boost from the 6/02 P&G insert

Ta-Daaa! Yours completely FREE!

See how easy this is?  All you have to do is save your coupons until the product hits rock-bottom price and BOOM! You get an awesome deal!

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